Student Life

A Learning Community You Live In

The Williams community is made up of more than 2,200 students from 49 states and 103 countries. Sculptors and skiers and debaters and physicists. Math-Art History double majors and all-conference athletes with published research. People of all genders, races and backgrounds. Fresh from military service, or first in their family to attend college.

You'll learn in classrooms and residence halls alike, enjoying the support of a dynamic community devoted to personal and intellectual development. Meet people from places you've never been. Learn to manage your time and care for mind and body. From your first-year dorm "entry" to the chance to later work as a Junior Advisor, living at Williams helps you grow in ways you may never have expected.


Williams Moments

Labs. Block parties. Band rehearsals. Rallies. Radio shows. Study sessions. Swim meets. Sunrise hikes. Candlepin bowling. Chamber Choir. Coffee. Classes. More coffee. First snow. Final exam…

Each shot in the video below presents one tiny glimpse of daily life—moments you might encounter as you make your way around campus and the surrounding community. Together, the images represent the breadth and depth of the Williams experience.

religious traditions celebrated
of students are in the first generation in their families to attend college
countries represented
45% White, 41% U.S. Students of Color, 4% choose not to disclose, 10% International
languages spoken

Arts at Williams

Williams’ location in the Berkshires isn't just naturally beautiful, it also situates us in one of the most culturally rich regions in the country. Our campus is home to both the Tony Award-winning Williamstown Theatre Festival and the Williams College Museum of Art. The Clark Art Institute, a museum and distinguished research center, including the Williams Graduate Program in the History of Art, is a few short blocks from campus. Travel a little further and find MASS MoCA, one of the world’s premier centers of contemporary art, and Jacob's Pillow, an internationally renowned dance center, school and festival. Whether you're performing in spaces shared by the best thespians in the country or writing in the natural landscapes that inspired Emily Dickinson and Sterling Allen Brown, you'll have more than enough inspiration to create at Williams.

Clubs and Organizations

The opportunity to do all the things you love—and then some—is part of what makes Williams so ideal for the curious and engaged. With 200+ student-run organizations on campus and connections to more than 350 service organizations, you’ll find plenty of inspiration and adventure to complement your academic pursuits.

Check out our current list of clubs and organizations, but don’t fear if something you’re hoping for isn’t there—the list is always growing. Of course, you can also start a group of your own.

The Afghan Evacuee Programming Project
African Student Organisation
Alhambra Consulting Group
All Campus Entertainment
Anime Club
Archaeology and Classics Society
Archery Club
The Aristocows
Asian American Students in Action
Asian Athleteic Association
Asian Athletic Association
Asian Dance Troupe
Association of Role Players
Audio Production Club
Badminton Club
Berkshire Doula Project
Berkshire Translation Project
Beyond the Binary
Biology Major Advisory Committee
Birding Club
Black Student Union
Black Students in STEM+
Blockchain Coalition
Cap & Bells
Cello Shots
Ceramics Club
Charcuterie Board Club
Chess Club
Chinese American Student Organization
Chinese International Students and Scholars Association
Christian Fellowship
Circle of Women
Climbing Club
Club Hockey
Club Squash
Club Tennis
Club Volleyball
Coalition for Immigrant Student Advancement
Coed Water Polo
Combo Za
Consulting Club
Converging Worlds
Cycling Team
DJ Club
Debating Union
Disabled Student Union
Effective Altruism
Empower Through Health
Ends In (Zine @ Williams)
Entrepreneurship at Williams
Environmental Council
Eph Sports Analytics Group
The Williams College Ephlats
Ephs at the Clark
Equestrian Team
FM Radio
The Feast
Feminist Collective
Fencing Club
Figure Skating Club
Film Club
Finance Club
Firefighters' Association
Fishing Club
The Freshman Revue
Gaius C. Bolin Coalition
Gargoyle Society
Get Baked
Good Question
Gospel Choir
Grassroots Advocacy and Labor Alliance
Handbell Choir
The Williams Haybale
Her Campus Williams College
International Students Association
Jewish Association
Joy of Existence
Kier's Kidz at Williams College
Koreans of Williams
Law Society
Lehman Board for Community Engagement
The Williams Literary Review
Margins Finance Club
Martial Arts Club
Masculinity, Accountability, Sexual Assault, and Consent
Men's Williams Ultimate Frisbee Organization
Mixed Ultimate Frisbee
Mock Trial
Model United Nations
Muslim Student Union
NBC: Nothing But Cuties
Native American Student Aliance
Native Americans Student Alliance (NASA)
Nihonjin American Student Union
Nova Ultimate Frisbee (previously La WUFA)
NovelTeas Book & Tea Club
Oral Health Society
Organization for Underrepresented Students in STEM+
Outing Club
PC Gaming Club
Peer Health
Perennial Amateurs Convention
Period. at Williams College
Photographing and Understanding the Lights of Space and the Astronomical Realm
Polaris Consulting
Positive Pathways Partnership
Pre-Health Society
Purple Bike Coalition
Purple Rain A Cappella
The Quare Collective
Queer Interfaith at Williams
Queer Student Union
Quiz Bowl
Rape and Sexual Assault Network
The Williams Record
Recovery of All Perishable Surplus
Robotics Club
Roundnet Association
The Williams Rugby Football Club
Running Club
Sailing Team
Science Journal Club
Senior Technology Tutoring
Sikh Student Association
Ski Patrol
Soccer League
Society for Conservative Thought
The Society of Griffins
South Asian Students' Association
The Springstreeters
Student Choreographer's Coalition
Student Union
Students Online
Students of Caribbean Ancestry
Sustainable Growers
Table Tennis
Taiwanese Student Organization at Williams
Taxa Bioengineering Group
The Williams Telos
Treestyle Improv Comedy Club
Undergraduate Research Journal
Unity of Emerging Faiths
VISTA: The Latine & Allies Student Organization
Venture Studio
Vietnamese Students Association
The Wellness Advocacy Group
Women in Business
Women in Political Science
Women's College Rugby Football Club
The Women's Network
Writes Club
Yoga club
Young Democratic Socialists
Zambezi Marimba Band
Zen Practice Group

Active bodies, active minds

Whether you're a fierce competitor on the boards or a lover of quiet walks in the woods, Williams will help you develop an active, healthy lifestyle for your body, mind and spirit. Our 32 NCAA Division III varsity programs complement a long list of club sports and physical activities for every interest and type of ability or disability, including the Williams Outing Club, one of the finest outdoor programs at any liberal arts college.

Connect with a Current Student

Curious about what life is like at Williams? Ask an Eph! "Eph" (pronounced "eef') is an informal name we use for ourselves. And this team of Ephs is ready to answer any question you have about academics, residence life, activities, dining—anything that helps you imagine your future at Williams.

Events for all interests

From lectures to performances to sporting competitions, the Williams campus is busy with events throughout the school year. With so much going on, the biggest challenge is how to choose. Check out our calendar and imagine how you might join in the fun.

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