Funding Opportunities

The Rice Center has funds available to support professional development and resources for individual faculty and departments/units. These funds are available on a rolling basis each year. Please contact a member of the Rice Center Staff to inquire about these opportunities or other potential funding requests.

Registration fees for an external meeting/workshop on teaching

The Rice Center can help with the financial costs associated with attending a national meeting or workshop on teaching and learning. Faculty receiving funding will be asked to share what was learned as a written summary or participating at a future Rice Center event.

Teaching and curricular development retreat funds for departments/units

Does your department/unit want to dedicate time outside of a normal faculty meeting to discuss a teaching/curricular goal? The Rice Center can help research a topic and fund snacks/drinks for a special retreat to focus on an important topic.

Book club funds for reading groups

Would you like to get together with colleagues to read a book on a subject related to teaching? The Rice Center can purchase books for your group and even recommend a book based on your interests. See our book library for a list of titles we currently have or feel free to suggest your own.

“What do you need” funds

Is there an item or supply that is around $100-200 that would greatly help you teach a course but outside what your department/unit can provide? Let us know and we can potentially help with the purchase.