experiential education

Positive Pathways

A detail photograph of a student inmate's hands at the Berkshire County House of Corrections, where Williams students are tutoring inmates who are about to be released and are taking a high school equivalency exam called HiSET.

A partnership between the Williams College Center for Learning in Action (CLiA) and the Berkshire County House of Corrections offers tutoring in writing, reading and math to inmates planning to take the HiSET, a high school equivalency exam, in preparation for their upcoming release. The Positive Pathways Partnership (P3) is… Continue reading »

Nurturing Families

Courtsey of Shutterstock By Julia Munemo On any given day in associate professor of psychology Amie Hane’s Early Experience and Physiology lab, students are gathered around a TV monitor, reviewing video of mothers and tiny infants. They stop the recording every few seconds to take note of the slightest… Continue reading »