Williams faculty, staff and students,
We’re well into an active semester of Strategic Planning, so I wanted to send another update on what we’ve accomplished and what to expect.
This fall, the working groups and strategic academic initiatives have held more than 120 campus outreach meetings with departments, offices, student and staff groups. We had an all-campus Planning Day in Paresky and organized listening sessions for local residents in Pittsfield, North Adams and Bennington, as well as drop-in hours for Williamstown residents at Tunnel City. We’ve reviewed almost 200 comments that have been received via the online feedback form. And by the time we’re done with outreach we’ll have held thirteen separate Tuesdays at the Log events, each co-hosted by a pair of working groups.
Yet somehow we’re not done! If you still have ideas to share then there’s still time to share them: we’ll continue Tuesdays at the Log through November, and that online form is available around the clock, whenever inspiration strikes. Please take advantage of these opportunities to make your voice heard.
Looking ahead, on Monday, November 4, the Strategic Planning coordinating committee, working groups and academic initiatives will hold a retreat to start planning the transition from our outreach phase into analysis and report-drafting. You can expect to see draft reports from the working groups sometime after winter shutdown, when we’ll circulate them for community review and discussion before producing final versions. Then we’ll go through a similar process when I distill those reports into the strategic plan itself, next spring.
Ten years from now we’ll look back on this as a time when so many exciting new ideas came together for Williams. I’m thankful to all of you who are making it happen.