Excel is a computational tool you will use for processing data in several courses in Div2 and Div3 courses. Here are a few resources that may help as you learn and practice.
- To download Excel, follow the instructions available on the oit website. Williams community members are allowed to download Excel on their personal computers as long as you do not use it for commerical purposes.
- To get started with Excel, try the Excel Essential Training (Office 365) course in Linked In Learning- it will not be difficult to translate this course to other versions of Excel. To make this course the most meaningful, you should be sure to do the exercises (files are available by clicking Overview under the video player; two exercise files are available on the right side next to the instructor’s name). Use OIT’s directions to log in.
- For more advanced Excel techniques, try the Excel: Tips and Tricks course. This course also has exercise files.
- If you are looking for pdf help sheets, Custom Guides has some reference sheets. There are several other sources for tips; try using your favorite search engine to find them.
Peer Academic Support Network Tutors who cover Chemistry and Physics are also able to answer Excel questions. If you are not able to view the schedule for tutor availability for these courses. please fill out a tutor request form.