Through their coursework Williams students will learn how to use numbers confidently, apply formal methods of study to reach new conclusions, and discover exciting research tools. To support this learning for all students, we develop different programs and resources for students engaging with quantitative material.
The office of Quantitative Skills Programs gives students space to practice their skills, find academic habits that complement their interests, and understand different applications for existing knowledge. These programs can be integral parts of a student’s study routine if utilized regularly. Drop-in tutoring through the Math and Science Resource Center (MRSC) and the Economics Resource Center (ERC) provide supportive spaces where students can work together on difficult problems, access peer tutors to work through complex concepts, and practice their quantitative skills outside of the classroom. Individual tutoring is also available for many courses to work one-on-one to further your understanding of quantitative materials and skills.
Workshops, Winter Study courses, and other programming is also being implemented to help students gain skills that are utilized in different courses and disciplines. Additionally, the Director of Quantitative Skills Programs is available for academic coaching if students are looking to engage different resources and strategies to better understand how they learn. Students can make an appointment for coaching here. Please also check out our online resources for study strategies and academic habits.
If you have any questions about these programs, please contact Nick Hanford via email.
Click here for more information about the Economics and the Math and Science Resource Centers.
Click here for more information about individual tutoring appointments.
Click here for more information about Quantitative Coaching.