Writing in College
Moving Away from High School Writing
- You don’t need to start with the introduction. Instead, try to start with your initial favorite ideas or quotes and expand from there.
- Write your introduction last, after you have a good sense of what you’re writing.
- Make your paragraphs short and readable. They don’t need to be perfectly capped with topic and concluding sentences.
- Rewrite and revise your thesis after you’ve finished the first draft of the essay. Your argument has probably changed!
- Double check with your professor first (but they’ll probably say yes!)
- Lean into personal stories, strong statements, and the active voice
- Avoid statements like “I think” or “I believe”
- Look at the readings: how are those authors using “I”?
- Humor is okay, and even encouraged (in moderation)
- Professors are humans, not machines and not AP Graders. They want to be entertained and learn along with you.
- Think about your own “red line”–the point where a reader may lose focus
- Office hours can be beautiful spaces for growth and learning. Your professors want to talk to you about your writing!
- You can meet with your professor after you get comments back, not just before you submit an assignment.
How to Have Fun with Writing
- Keep a list during the class of things you feel passionate about
- Find ways to connect your extracurriculars, hobbies, and background to class material
- Keep a check list. Things can be as small as “create a blank document” or “print out my essay.”
- Whether it’s a parent, friend, peer, sibling, ~writing center tutor~ or a real rubber duck, find someone with whom you can verbally process your essays.
- Find new places to study
- Romanticize your writing process (you look just like Hemingway!)
- Eat fun snacks
- Use colorful pens
- Celebrate your little victories
- We’re so fun! More importantly, we want to meet with you.
- Make an appointment today using Accudemia!
Developed by Writing Tutors Emma McTague ’23 & Emma Nathanson ’25 • Writing Workshop Winter Study Series • 1/11/23