Why to Visit the Writing Workshop

Writing tutors help you hone your writing skills and clarify your thoughts.

A peer tutor can help you:

  • brainstorm ideas for an academic paper
  • talk about writing prompts and outlines
  • discuss early drafts of papers, including questions about whether a thesis statement is clear and well-argued or how to best structure an argument

We encourage you to come to the Workshop early and often! We love discussing first drafts and then revisiting those papers when you’ve revised them, to help ensure all of your ideas are fully realized.

When you visit the Workshop, expect to begin with a high-level discussion about your writing style and how you might more effectively communicate your ideas. Issues of grammar and mechanics may come up, though this is not the main focus of our work. Our tutors are not trained copyeditors, though they can provide light proofreading, especially for students for whom English is an additional language.

Picture of the outer door of the Writing Workshop

If your paper is longer than 10 pages, please book two, back-to-back appointments with the same tutor. If your paper is under that limit, only book one appointment. During our busiest times, sessions are limited to one per week.

*Please note that our tutors are not trained to review or give feedback on creative writing, though many of them love to read creative work and can provide reader responses.

You can drop in at the Writing Workshop in the Sawyer Lobby duringĀ our regular hours or make an appointment through Accudemia.

If you have any questions about working with a writing tutor, please reach out to the director of the Writing Center, Julia Munemo.