Study Strategies and Academic Habits

The transition to Williams academics is challenging in unique ways for each student. Many students will need to find new study strategies and academic habits within their first few years to ensure success in their courses. As you move through different courses and professors, you may also need to try new things in the face of new challenges.

Below are a few resources on different study strategies and academic habits. When struggling to learn a particular concept or feeling less than confident in a given class, try something different to engage the material!

  • Eight Day Study Roadmap
    Give yourself plenty of time, stop cramming, and prepare for your next exam, midterm, or final!
  • Post-exam reflection guide
    Not sure why you didn’t meet your goals on the last exam? Learn from your mistakes and make a plan for the next exam.
  • Study cycle and active study strategies
    You will have a stronger understanding of the material if you engage the study cycle and use active learning strategies!
  • Using Bloom’s Taxonomy as a study tool
    Bloom’s taxonomy is a way of classifying knowledge that can help improve your understanding of different course concepts.
  • Simplify your Gmail with filters
    Williams students get a ton of emails but you can use filters to highlight important information about your classes, organizations or job. Don’t waste time with the inbox clutter!

If you have any questions about these strategies or want to discuss your own academic habits, please reach out to the Director of Quantitative Skills Programs.