Climb High,Climb Far
Virtual Yearbook:In Your Words
Once an Eph,Always an Eph
A Message
from the Boardof Trustees
A Message
from PresidentMaud S. Mandel
Wang Leehom ’98Sings "The Mountains"
Throwback to YourFirst Day as a Class
Purple Valley
Virtual events honoring your significant achievements
Music DepartmentSenior Recital
Raising Our Gaze:an offering from theChaplains Office
Senior AthleteCelebration

Class Banner by Sarah Scire
Class Speaker:Theophyl Kwapong
Class Marshals:
Melinda Kan-Dapaah
Mykel Miller
Morgan Whaley
Nick Goldrosen
Melinda Kan-Dapaah
Mykel Miller
Morgan Whaley
Nick Goldrosen
Class Toasters:
Carlos Cabrera-Lomeli
Benjamin Lebowitz
Ashley Villarreal
Carlos Cabrera-Lomeli
Benjamin Lebowitz
Ashley Villarreal
Class Artist:Sarah Scire
Class Gardener:
Grace Murray
Grace Murray
Class Historian:
Hannah Tager
Hannah Tager
Class Musician:
Mia Herring-Sampong
Mia Herring-Sampong
Class POET:
Class Officers:
Drew Cohen
Breelyn Karno
Theo Kwapong
Dominique Burgess
Justin Kugel
Natalie Albright
Jane Petersen
Spencer Carrillo
Sarah Kelly
Daiana Takashima
Ruairi O'Cearuil
Drew Cohen
Breelyn Karno
Theo Kwapong
Dominique Burgess
Justin Kugel
Natalie Albright
Jane Petersen
Spencer Carrillo
Sarah Kelly
Daiana Takashima
Ruairi O'Cearuil
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