To all those who gave, taught, learned, worked, and cared to make these last three and a half years at Williams some of the most challenging, stimulating, formative, and fun of my life: thank you. My name is Zoe Trutner, I am a senior from Corte Madera, California. As a member of the Class of 2016 I am so grateful to have had so many opportunities to grow and learn during my time at Williams.
On my transcript , I am a pre-med biology major, but I’m a true liberal arts student at heart. I’m interested in taking as many different subjects as possible. I’ve manipulated mouse brains and concocted organic chemistry solutions; mastered the works of Dickens and puzzled over colossal questions in the philosophy of religion; stayed up late and risen early to finish that problem set or edit another paper. I’ve taken tutorials and big lectures and everything in between, and along the way I’ve gotten to know some incredible professors and students.
Outside the classroom I’ve had the honor of being a part of the Women’s Soccer team and the quest for a national championship, learning along the way what it really means to be a team player and a leader. I’m also a Writing Workshop tutor, an a cappella listener, an avid sports watcher, an enthusiastic Log Lunch eater, and an active Outing Club member. I don’t know what I’ll do after graduation when I no longer have all these events to attend for little or no cost.
It’s hard now to know just how valuable my experiences at Williams have been, because I’m still very much focused on life in the Purple Bubble (or immersed in all things purple), but I can already start to appreciate how lucky I am to have had all these opportunities. Thank you again for your gift, and for helping to make it all possible – it truly is a gift!
Zoe Trutner ’16
On February 17, 2016, the entire student body came together to celebrate all the things that members of the Williams community do for one another and to show their gratitude and “EphPreciation” for your Alumni Fund contribution by signing thank you cards. As such, the signature inside your card may not belong to the student profiled on this page. To learn more about the EphPreciation event,; to read about the students your gift impacts, visit