
Environmental Studies hosts a variety of events throughout the year. Here are the currently-scheduled events.

Wed October 2, 3pm: The opening of the Pluriverse Pavilion.

Thu October 17, 7-8pm, Griffin 3: Class of 1960 Scholars Lecture by Professor Juno Salazar Parreñas, Associate Professor of Science and Technology Studies at Cornell University and author of Decolonizing Extinction (Duke 2018). The talk, "Animals and the Misanthropocene," retheorizes the Anthropocene through questions of animality and multi-species life.

Thu Oct 24 7:30-9pm, Matt Cole living room: pre-registration pie party - drop in any time for tasty desserty snacks and to chat with Environmental Studies faculty & students about classes, the major, the concentration, etc.!

Mon November 4, 4-5:30pm, Hollander 241: Environmental Studies Thesis Previews.

People interested in the environment may also be interested in events hosted by the Zilkha Center for the Environment.