Students intending to major in the department are strongly encouraged to study in Asia at some point during their time at Williams–for a summer or for a semester or full year. Study-abroad in an immersive environment in the target culture is an indispensable step toward advanced proficiency in a second language. Prospective majors or language students who are planning to study abroad must attend the fall semester study-abroad information sessions organized by the department or discuss their plans with department faculty as far in advance as possible. The department administers the Linen Fellowships for Summer Study in Asia which fund selected students’ summer intensive language study or research projects. Up to four study-abroad courses may be transferred and counted toward graduation and toward the majors offered in the department. Students MUST contact the department faculty BEFORE assuming study-away credit will be granted toward the major in the department. Upon return, students should ask their study-away program to send their transcript to the Registrar’s office so that the appropriate number of credits can be transferred and granted by the department chair.
Check out this blog site to find out more about our students’ study abroad experiences!
Semester and Year Abroad
The Deans’ Office’s Study Away site contains concrete information about spending a semester or year abroad, including detailed information about each stage of the approval process. It also contains a current list of programs in Japan, China, Singapore, and Taiwan that are pre-approved for graduation credit, and instructions for students seeking approval of new programs.
Up to eight courses taken overseas at a program approved by the Dean’s office may be counted toward graduation, and up to four courses taken off campus may be counted toward the major.
Summer Abroad
Summer study abroad is another excellent option for short-term intensive language study, special programs, and individual research. As with semester and year-abroad programs, majors and language students should consult with the department to select a program eligible for credit.
Winter Abroad
During the Winter Study Period (WSP), the department faculty sometimes offer subsidized travel courses to Asia (e.g., Tokyo, Taiwan, Hong Kong). Interested students can apply for the limited spots in these highly popular travel courses. If you are interested in proposing a WSP 99 Independent Study to conduct research abroad, please visit the college WSP 99s page for more information on the application process and additional funding sources.
Recommended Programs
Please visit the Chinese Study Abroad page and the Japanese Study Abroad page for more information.
Funding Sources
Students who are on financial aid can use their aid package for semester study abroad programs. Many study-away programs also offer financial aids. For summer study abroad, students can apply for the following funding sources.
The department administers the Linen Fellowships for Summer Study in Asia which fund selected students’ summer intensive language study or research projects. Students who are interested in applying for Linen Fellowships should enroll in the GLOW course “Asia-Related Funding Opportunities.”
External Funding Sources
- Languages.State.Gov (federally funded programs for the study of foreign languages)
- Freeman Asia (need-based scholarship for summer study in Asia)
- Critical Language Scholarship (fully funded summer study in designated intensive language programs)
- Gilman Scholarship (limited to Pell grant recipients to support study or intern abroad)
- Gilman-McCain Scholarship (John McCain International Scholarship for the Children of Military Families to support study or intern abroad)
- Blakemore Freeman Fellowships (postgraduate one-year fellowship for intensive language study)
- Huayu Enrichment Scholarship (administered by Taipei Economic and Cultural Offices in the United States)
Williams Funding Sources
- Language Study Summer Fellowships (administered by the Fellowships Office)
- Summer Research and Travel Fellowships (administered by the Fellowships Office)
- Linen Fellowships for Summer Study in Asia (for language study or research projects, administered by DALLC)