Visiting Assistant Professor of Chinese
M.A. Minzu University of China (2012)
Ph.D. University of Macau (2020)
Areas of Expertise
Second language acquisition
Teaching Chinese as a second language
Scholarship/Creative Work
Paul Sun, P., Yang, Q., & Hou, X. (2023). New Zealand primary school students’ motivation and strategy use for learning Chinese-as-a-foreign-language. The Journal of Educational Research, 116(3), 171-185.
Hou, X. (2023). Syntactic blocking on L2 acquisition of Mandarin Ba-construction. Applied Psycholinguistics, 44(2), 157-178.
Hou, X., Sun, P., & Zhang, T. (2022). The role of phrasal frequency and association strength in L1 and L2 processing of Chinese disyllabic adverbial phrases (整体频率和搭配强度在母语和二语加工中的作用). Chinese Teaching in the World (《世界汉语教学》), 36(2), 236-250.
Hou, X. (2021). Learning two syntactic constructions simultaneously: A case of overshadowing. Language and Cognition, 13(3), 467-493.
Hou, X. (2018). Effectiveness of Chinese L2 incidental vocabulary learning through reading: A meta-analysis (汉语二语阅读中词汇附带习得研究的元分析). Chinese Teaching in the World (《世界汉语教学》), 32(4), 555-573.
Jin, H, & Hou, X. (2016). Explicit and implicit learning, knowledge, and instruction in CFL studies (汉语作为第二语言实证研究纵观:显性与隐性学习、知识、教学). Chinese Teaching in the World (《世界汉语教学》), 30(3), 379-400.
Professional Affiliations
Member, American Association For Applied Linguistics, ACTFL, Chinese Language Teachers Association,
Junior Editorial Board, International Journal of Chinese Language Teaching