The Department of Asian Languages, Literatures, and Cultures offers three distinct major tracks: East Asian Languages & Cultures, Chinese, and Japanese. Each major requires a minimum of ten courses. Up to four study-away credits can be counted toward a major. Below are the learning objectives and minimum requirements of the East Asian Languages and Cultures Major.
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Learning Objectives for the East Asian Languages and Cultures Major
Students who complete the requirements for a major in East Asian Languages and Cultures will be able to:
- Attain a minimum of Intermediate High level in speaking, listening and reading of either Chinese or Japanese, and Intermediate Low level in writing in the language based on the ACTFL proficiency guidelines.
- Acquire research, problem-solving, and critical thinking skills by engaging in linguistic or literary analysis in the field of Chinese studies or Japanese studies.
- Obtain basic intercultural communicative skills to navigate some social and cultural contexts in Chinese- or Japanese-speaking environments.
- Continue their engagement with an Asian language and culture as lifelong learners and users of the target language.
- Students who choose the dual-language option will attain the Advanced level in speaking, listening, and reading in either Chinese or Japanese, and the intermediate level in a second Asian language based on the ACTFL proficiency guidelines.
Minimum Requirements of the East Asian Languages and Cultures Major
In order to develop proficiency and intercultural communicative skills in the language, students are required to complete at least six language courses (or attain a minimum proficiency equivalent to the completion of 302) in one East Asian language offered by the department (currently Chinese Mandarin and Japanese). To gain a deeper understanding of the Chinese or Japanese cultural traditions and to develop research skills in the Chinese or Japanese fields, they should take at least two Chinese/Japanese core electives in literary, linguistic, or cultural studies in their primary focus of study with prefixes and primary cross-listings in CHIN/JAPN, and two approved electives related to Chinese/Japanese language and culture (including additional CHIN/JAPN core electives, additional Asian language courses, or Chinese/Japanese studies courses offered in art, comparative literature, history, music, political science, religion, etc.).
Students with higher language proficiency who are placed out of any of the core language courses (101 through 402) can take an equal number of faculty-approved electives taught either in the target language or in English on literature, linguistics, culture studies or related Chinese/Japanese studies disciplines (e.g., art history, history, political science) to fulfill the core language requirement. Students who have summer or semester study-away plans MUST attend the fall Chinese or Japanese study-away meeting or consult with department faculty for advice.
This major offers students who are able to complete the 402 level in either Chinese or Japanese by the end of their sophomore year a dual-language option which will allow them to learn a second Asian language and reach the Intermediate level in speaking that language by the time of graduation. Please consult with the chair or language coordinator for more information about this option.