The College does not encourage possession of a motor vehicle or consider it a necessity in any way. It does, however, permit students – with the exception of first-year students – to bring motor vehicles to campus subject to the following regulations which are in effect at all times – including summer vacations and all College recesses and holidays.
The issuance of a permit to operate a motor vehicle while at Williams is a privilege that may be revoked at any time for any infraction of the motor vehicle regulations. The Associate Director of Campus Safety Services administers these regulations. Vehicles must be operated in accordance with state and local laws. Serious or continued violations will result in the suspension of driving privileges. Students whose motor vehicle permits have been suspended will be required to remove their vehicles from campus. Any student who switches parking decals with another student, or alters or sells their parking decal to another student, will permanently lose their ability to register a vehicle while a student at Williams College and may also be subject to disciplinary action. The same consequences will also be applied to any upper-class student who registers a vehicle on behalf of a first year student.
Any sort of motorcycle, motorized scooter, or moped qualifies as a “motor vehicle” and needs to be registered with the college to legally park on campus.
Williams College is not liable for any loss or damage to vehicles. Students who use their personal vehicles on College business do so at their own risk. The College’s liability insurance will not protect them in the event of an accident even when they are being reimbursed or hired by Williams.