Rape Aggression Defense

Our RAD training team

What is Rape Aggression Defense?  RAD is a female self-defense program designed to combat sexual assault and rape.  This program is designed for the average woman who chooses to use the option of physical self-defense.

RAD is taught by certified instructors and is endorsed by the International Association of Campus Law Enforcement Administrators.  The course is physically and mentally challenging, however, it is also taught in a fun and friendly atmosphere.  The following areas are covered in class:

  • Awareness – Awareness and risk reduction discussion covering such issues as home and personal safety, date rape, carrying mace and/or other weapons.
  • Technique – Self-defense techniques that can be used in a variety of confrontational situations.
  • Simulation – Realistic simulation attack where officers are dressed in padded equipment to give class participants the opportunity to practice their techniques.

Student comments about the RAD Program at Williams

“The class was excellent. It was my fifth self-defense class, and it was the best of all.”

“I took the class because I was very interested in self-defense and the empowerment of women.  I recommend that all women take it sometime during their college career.”

“I would highly recommend RAD to anyone interested in building self-confidence or self-defense skills.  It was an invaluable experience for me.”

“Not only do you learn a lot, but it’s a lot of fun. The instructors are excellent, and the course is educational, fun and empowering.”