Martin Collins 1986 Internship

The Martin J. Collins 1986 Internship Program provides financial assistance to students in good standing who participate in the college’s internship program offered through the ’68 Center for Career Exploration.

Zoe Price ’25

Zoe Price displaying laptop.

Benchmark Education Company, New Rochelle, NY This summer, I interned virtually with Benchmark Education Company, a mission-driven educational publishing company that aims to help every student succeed by providing classroom-tested core literacy resources in both English and Spanish. Throughout my time as a social media and marketing intern, I also… Continue reading »

Timothy Kelly ’24

Boyce & Schaefer, San Diego, CA This summer I interned as a legal assistant at Boyce & Schaefer, a law firm based in San Diego dedicated to upholding the rights of indigent defendants charged with serious crimes. Approximately 60% of the firm’s cases involve representing indigent clients through public funding;… Continue reading »

Bellamy Richardson ’23

The Berkshire Eagle, Pittsfield, MA My review of a new solo show in Lenox. This summer, I was a features intern at The Berkshire Eagle, a local daily newspaper based in Pittsfield, for eight weeks. The Eagle is one of four papers in the New England Newspapers group and it… Continue reading »

Senjuti Gayen ’23

Headshot of Senjuti Gayen '23

Dana Farber Cancer Institute, Boston, MA I was fortunate enough to spend this summer as a research intern at the Hormoz Lab in Boston under the mentorship of Dr. Christoph Budjan. The Hormoz Lab is focused on developmental biology, and Dr. Budjan’s research is on the topics of paraxial… Continue reading »

Morgan Persky ’23

Morgan Persky '23 on laptop

Henry Schein, Inc., Melville, NY This summer, I had the privilege of interning as a member of the Henry Schein Medical Marketing Team. Henry Schein is a worldwide distributor of healthcare products and services, and my internship was under the supervision of Emily Jimenez, the Marketing Analytics Manager, who taught… Continue reading »

Madeline Kaplan ’21.5

Madeline Kaplan '21.5 on laptop

Global Security Institute, New York, NY This summer, I spent ten weeks working as a remote intern for the Global Security Institute, located in New York City, near the United Nations Building. This organization is a non-profit that functions as a think-tank and lobbyist group. It advocates for the… Continue reading »

Alex Joshua ’22

Alex Joshua '22 on laptop

Williams Students Online, Williamstown, MA This summer I had the pleasure of interning with Williams Students Online (WSO), an organization run by students 
for students. The organization has two main focus areas, the primary of which is the web-based WSO website. This site includes several tools for students including: Facebook,… Continue reading »

Benton Leary ’20

Africare, Washington, DC This summer I worked as an International Business Development Intern at Africare, an NGO that focuses exclusively on development initiatives in Sub-Saharan Africa (SSA). Our role is to find partners who are ideologically and financially committed to our key issue areas (women, healthcare, and agriculture). These partners—usually… Continue reading »

Borivoje Vitezovic ’20

Williams interns with Kountable CEO Chris Hale ’00.

Kountable, San Francisco, CA Williams interns with Kountable CEO Chris Hale ’00. Before going into more details about my summer experiences, allow me to first introduce the company I worked for—Kountable. Headquartered in San Francisco’s Financial District, Kountable works to enable small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) from developing… Continue reading »