Kershaw Internship Program

The Kershaw Internship Program is supported by a gift in memory of Joseph Kershaw, former Professor of Economics at Williams. It provides students with an opportunity to participate in working environments including community service organizations and foundations where government, business, and society at large interface to solve real-life problems.

Sonya Lee ’22

Sonya Lee '22 at a desk with laptop

Nyanam Widows Rising, Kenya Over the past several weeks, I have been working as a research intern for Nyanam Widows Rising, founded by Jackline Odhiambo ’14. When I first encountered the internship listing, I was excited to see that Nyanam was dedicated to providing training and resources for widows so… Continue reading »

Maya Huffman ’22

Maya Huffman – Photo1

Rutgers University, New Brunswick, NJ Writing code that looks at information of proteins based on documents stored on the Protein Data Bank website. I worked in the Khare lab at the Center for Integrative Proteomics Research at Rutgers University. The Khare lab has both “wet” and “dry” labs, meaning… Continue reading »

Gwyneth Maloy ’21

Gwyneth Maloy – Photo2

Nathan Kline Institute for Psychiatric Research, Orangeburg, NY When I accepted my internship position at the Nathan Kline Institute, I knew very little about clinical research. I pictured working with Excel spreadsheets all day. Since I had little practical experience with statistics or coding, I was concerned I wasn’t… Continue reading »

Mukund Nair ’22

Presenting my research at the 2019 Trendo Conference in Chennai.

Sri Ramachandra Institute of Higher Education and Research, India Administering the Morisky Medical Adherence Scale-8 to a participant in the native language, Tamil. My experience at the Sri Ramachandra Institute of Higher Education and Research (SRIHER) was an attempt to familiarize myself with a side of medicine that I… Continue reading »

Noah Street ’21

Noah Street – Photo1

Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai, New York, NY Spending this summer as an intern at the Mount Sinai School of Medicine has been an incredible experience. I worked in the lab of Dr. Harm Van Bakel as part of the Pathogen Surveillance Project. The Pathogen Surveillance Project… Continue reading »

Anastasia Tishena ’20

Anastasia Tishena – Photo1

Project Healthcare at New York University Langone Hospital—Brooklyn, Brooklyn, NY Every day for my internship, I would board the NYU Langone ferry along with other “purple shirt” volunteers, cross the East River, and get off at NYU Brooklyn previously known as Lutheran. Project Healthcare has been an annual summer… Continue reading »

Rebecca Brody ’22

The Center for Health Equity booth at a community health fair.

Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health, Center for Health Equity, Baltimore, MD The Center for Health Equity booth at a community health fair. This summer, I had the opportunity to intern at the Johns Hopkins Center for Health Equity. The Center is comprised of Johns Hopkins Medicine and… Continue reading »

Victoria Chentsova ’19

Jake Foehl ’19, Ben Beiers ’20, and me at the Family Separation Protest in front of the White House.

Aceso Global, Washington, DC Jake Foehl ’19, Ben Beiers ’20, and me at the Family Separation Protest in front of the White House. This summer I was graced with the opportunity to intern at Aceso Global, a small non-profit based in Washington, DC that provides advising on hospital-centered… Continue reading »

Oriana Cruz Echeverria ’21

Oriana Cruz ’21 with the group of Mexican students from the Jovenes en Acción Program.

Cleveland Council on World Affairs, Cleveland, OH The CCWA interns after a day of hard work at the Diplomacy Begins Here Summit. This summer, I had the opportunity of interning with the Cleveland Council on World Affairs (CCWA). CCWA is a historic non-profit organization with a mission “to… Continue reading »

Caroline Dignard ’20

Embracing the beauty of Canada, standing out in front of the Women’s College Research Institute.

Women’s College Hospital, Canada Embracing the beauty of Canada, standing out in front of the Women’s College Research Institute. For some time, working in research has been an intimidating but intriguing possibility to me. I have been told that it is mundane by some, while others have said… Continue reading »