Kountable, San Francisco, CA
Kountable specializes in connecting small businesses around the world with the resources they need to grow. By creating a platform for communication, Kountable seeks to form a one-stop shop for companies looking for suppliers, distributors, or whatever else they may need. The workspace is sort of like LinkedIn for small to medium enterprises (SMEs), as a company will input all of their data and then other companies can easily see what they do, their verification, and any other information that is useful to know whether or not they would be a good trade partner.
I worked closely on a team of interns reporting to the Head of Product to assist with informational deliverables, helpdesk articles, and other small projects to prepare for the launch of the platform. The first project I worked on with my team was a document on distributor development to be delivered to potential customers. This required a lot of research, as this was my first exposure to anything on supply chain management. After that, I worked on designing templates for solution briefs based off of research in color theory. That project required graphic design skills, so I was able to challenge the creative side of my brain. The remainder of my time at Kountable involved creating helpdesk articles so that any customer needing information on the processes of the platform could turn to the articles for quick and easy advice.
As an educational psychology intern, I was able to use my skills in knowing how people learn to help create products that will optimally teach people about Kountable’s platform. I learned a lot about how to apply psychology to a business setting, which helps give me a better understanding of how a psychology degree can be used beyond the clinical realm. In researching for Kountable, I learned a lot about global trade and want to continue to take courses in global studies, as I am really interested in how the world can work together. While I’m not sure I want to have a career in the corporate world, I learned a lot from my internship about how to work in an office setting. I also learned that I work very effectively in a team and want to continue to work with others, combining our individual expertise to work together towards a common goal. Through my internship with Kountable, I’ve learned a lot about myself and the way I want to work in the future.
I want to take some time to thank Mr. Bill McCalpin ’79 and the ’68 Center for Career Exploration for this opportunity. I’ve learned so much in such a short time, and I am so grateful for the chance to start building a career. This was my first job, and I am so fortunate to have worked at such a great company with such great people. I really enjoyed my experience and I know that I will use the skills I’ve learned from this internship in everything I do going forward.