Student Rights and Responsibilities

  • Students have the right to the following:

    • Equal access to Williams College academic and extracurricular programs, support services, jobs, and facilities.
    • Access to housing, dining and parking accommodations and academic adjustments that are reasonable and effective.  
    • Access to various auxiliary aids as determined on a case-by-case basis.
    • Confidentiality regarding information pertaining to disability and diagnosis.  Information you provide will only be shared with other parties with your permission unless required to do so by law.
    • Information reasonably available in accessible formats.
    • To be treated with respect and dignity by all OAE


    Photo Credit: Nicholas Whitman, 2015

  • The following are responsibilities the student has:

    • Meet the College’s qualifications and standards.  
    • Identify as an individual with a disability or disabling condition and request accommodations in a timely manner.
    • Provide documentation from an appropriate professional verifying the nature of the disability, functional limitations, and the rationale for specific accommodations being recommended.
    • Initiate and maintain communication with OAE staff.
    • To treat OAE staff and student employees respectfully.

    Photo Credit: Hanna Kaeser, 2015