Equal access to Williams College academic and extracurricular programs, support services, jobs, and facilities.
Access to housing, dining and parking accommodations and academic adjustments that are reasonable and effective.
Access to various auxiliary aids as determined on a case-by-case basis.
Confidentiality regarding information pertaining to disability and diagnosis. Information you provide will only be shared with other parties with your permission unless required to do so by law.
Information reasonably available in accessible formats.
The following are responsibilities the student has:
Meet the College’s qualifications and standards.
Identify as an individual with a disability or disabling condition and request accommodations in a timely manner.
Provide documentation from an appropriate professional verifying the nature of the disability, functional limitations, and the rationale for specific accommodations being recommended.
Initiate and maintain communication with OAE staff.
To treat OAE staff and student employees respectfully.