
Even though concussions are often categorized as “mild” brain injuries, they can have serious effects. The Office of Accessible Education always advocates that students heed the advice of their healthcare provider. If you experience a concussion and are advised that taking exams or trying to keep up with classwork may delay your recovery, please prioritize your long term health.  There are options to make sure you do not fall completely behind with the support of your faculty. This is contingent however on the severity and the duration of your injury.

For guidance on how to navigate your courses while concussed, please set up a meeting with a member of OAE staff.

If you do choose to continue with classwork while concussed, you should consult with your healthcare provider to ensure that you understand the implications.

Concussion Related Accommodations

Provided you choose to engage in academic work knowing the risks, we have a plan in place specifically to support students who experience concussions while attending classes.

If you experience a concussion, even if you have already seen another health care professional elsewhere, it is a good idea to check in with Health Services on campus. OAE is notified whenever a student is diagnosed with a concussion in Health Services.

When we receive this notification, we automatically send an email to your faculty letting them know that you are eligible for concussion accommodations throughout your recovery. There are also some accommodations that you can request in addition to the automatic accommodations. These accommodations are explained below.

We also send an email to you letting you know we wish to meet with you about the accommodation plan. During this meeting is where you can request additional accommodations.

Concussion Accommodations

  • Automatic Accommodations

    These are the accommodations that are immediately granted to every student recovering from a concussion:

    -An accommodation for Recording of Class Lectures while the concussion protocol is in effect. You will need to meet with OAE and sign a recording agreement form in order to utilize this accommodation.

    – An accommodation for Additional Time (time and ½) on Exams while the concussion protocol is in effect.

    – An accommodation for a Reduced Distraction Space for Exams while the concussion protocol is in effect.

    – Request for an Alternate Due Date for Assignments and Exams while the concussion protocol is in effect. You will work with your faculty to create functional deadlines for your course work.

    -Access to Text-to-Speech and Audiobook Software while the concussion protocol is in effect. Your faculty will be asked to provide you with pdfs of your required course readings. OAE will work with you to provide books in audio format.

    -Permission to Turn Off Computer Screens during class time and exams as needed while the concussion protocol is in effect.

  • Additional Accommodation Options

    In addition to the automatic accommodations listed above, you can also request the accommodations listed below. These accommodations require you to meet with our office in order to be approved for their use:

    -Note Taker in Class

Concussion Accommodations will stay in effect as long as you remain symptomatic. Once you are cleared of your concussion, your professors will be emailed to let them know your accommodations have ended. 

It is important to check in with Health Services regularly to track your recovery, as well as to continue having access to accommodations. If you do not check in with Health Services for 3 weeks, you will be assumed asymptomatic and your concussion accommodations will end.

More Helpful Information

It may be a good idea to adjust your computer screen to reduce blue light. One way to do this is to go into your computer system display settings and turn on the “Night Light” or “Night Shift” settings. If you would like assistance with these settings, you can email [email protected].

To reduce eye fatigue, you may wish to use a text-to-speech reader for your course readings. All Williams students have access to a premium license for Speechify. To create an account, choose “Continue with Google” and use your Williams email and password.