What’s in the People Directory?
The People Directory contains information about Williams students, faculty, and staff. It is updated at midnight every night.
Who can see what in the college-wide directory?
- All viewers can see campus-related information such as name, title, department, campus location, campus telephone number, and e-mail address for faculty and staff.
- On-campus viewers can also see
- student names, email addresses and SU boxes
- pictures and home information for faculty and staff. (Depending on the preferences of each individual, home address, telephone number, and spouse/partner may or may not be listed.)
Department directories
- Please note that department website directories (the english department or the dean’s office, for example) typically display photos to all viewers.
Using the People Directory
You can search by first, last, or first and last name, by department or office, or by name within a department or office.
Not sure how to spell a name? Type any string of three or more consecutive letters of a first and/or last name to see all names containing that string. Typing “ill,” for example, will return William, Churchill, Miller, and Remillard.
How do I update my listing?
See Update Your Listing.
Looking for something else?
Links to office/department/program websites may be found in the A-Z Index. Department and Office locations and telephone numbers may be found in the Department/Office Directory.